Opinions are like...

I wonder if its worth having an opinion anymore.

Basic supply/demand economics indicates that a commodity’s worth depends upon the demand for such a commodity. The higher the demand, the more the commodity is worth. The inverse is true; the less demand, the less the commodity is worth.

To a certain extent, opinions are commodities. They have value. Professions are founded on the sole basis of the value of the opinion. Doctors are often paid to provide an opinion on the proper diagnosis and treatment. Attorneys are paid for to provide an opinion on the merits, or lack thereof, of a certain case or a certain course of action. Politicians are paid for an opinion on the proper course or direction of our great nation.

But, it appears that the value of an opinion has lost its value. The only reasonable explanation for the devaluation of the opinion is the decrease in the demand for opinions.

In the infancy of television cable, CNN came to be channel synonymous with news. Programming centered around the explanation of current events, events on a national level, which were reported upon when they were happening. CNN and the other cable news channels have become a farce of their former selves now dedicating airtime in providing, not news, but pure opinions expressed by hosts who are semi-celebrities and hired gun commentators, all of who give multiple opinions on recent news events.

The irony of the above circumstances is that often the hosts or commentators are provided speaking points which get echoed on multiple platforms, through multiple voices, to multiple audiences. The internet becomes too a medium through which viewpoints spread like ripples on the water.

Furthermore, more and more celebrities are taking a stand on social issues, even socially irresponsible ones.  It is hard to take an actor/actress or singer seriously when six months ago they went on a drug and alcohol fueled bender with photographers catching each crotch exposed shot or racist expletives laden rant ending in a fender bender, or at the very least the authorities being called.  How ever, many teenagers, and lady juvenile-minded adults, hang on every twittered statement as if the celebrity had the compassion of Mother Theresa and the moral compass of

The truth is that opinions are meaningless today because everyone has one even when they shouldn't.  The result of such sad fact is that those persons whose opinions which have value because they have the experience and education to review the data and form unbiased conclusions have been denigrated to nothing more than street artists, underappreciated and obscured by the vast amounts of dealing, uniformed, deformed, and inciting vitriol of agenda-ed parties.

But then again, this is just my opinion.


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