I Wrote (A Rough Draft)

_DSC0072 l wrote

my first creature

at 12


When I did not

know enough

of the world

except that

it is sad


I drafted

a lone protozoan


and a curled tail


At sixteen

my teenage angst

found fruition

in a modern

fairy tale


It burrowed

into a

high school

literary magazine


A den

in a forest of

other creatures


It was a small


a big fish

and all that


A few years later

I made a monstrous thing

with the help of

a exterminator named Burroughs


It was an ugly thing

taped together

with bits and pieces of

words I had found and liked


It lived

and then died too soon

in someone else’s yard

printed on copy paper


Then, when I had

Found a source of income

To fund my efforts

I began experimenting

On my own


But then age

Had aged me

Had aged my perspective

Had aged my thoughts, words,

The way I put together

My animals


I made

Daring moves

That made sense

And the creatures

Were obscured

By sophisticated thoughts


And then

I gave up

Left creation to others

More suited to the cause

And concentrated on other pursuits


But then

The seed germinated within me


I revived an old creature

Gave it life

But it died on the vine


But it gave me hope

And I started making more creatures

Looking not at the end thing

But the process


And here I am

Okay with creatures

Some finished,

Others not so

But at peace with the process.


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