Puzzle Pieces (Rough Draft)
Life has many puzzles pieces. There are bits and pieces which taken by themselves are just a part of the picture, a tiny part of the picture. They require you to examine the curves of the pieces, the extrusions, the cavities, how some have angle sides. You try to sort through the pieces, looking for a brother piece, the echo of the other, the cause of the other’s shape, or perhaps the reason for it. A slight smile in the hallway from a bitter co-employee, the drizzle cold on a rainy day. The car accident five minutes ahead of you. The car that takes several minutes to order in a drive through. It is easiest to find the border, the corners, and work in, where your thoughts touch the world, something familiar, a keystone on which the image of the rest of the world. Sometimes, you find a lone piece, oddly shaped, begging to fit in, to match up extrusion to cavity. How do we put the puzzle together? Do we leave it sitting in a box on the shelf? Do we engage in deciphering it, pour at the ...