Story Idea: Conspiracy (Rough Draft)

I feel the blood puddle at my feet, feel the wetness seep up into my sandals, the thick stickiness finding its way between my toes. A hot storm roils in my stomach while a sharp pressure in the back of my head causes everything in my view to start to turn a fuzzy steel grey.

The contents of my stomach would have fled my stomach had I not kept them down by swallowing with large gulps. However, my throat burns with the fierceness of hot coals.

The body lays at our feet, all of our feet. I cannot give myself permission to call him by his name because he is no longer here. Whatever he was, that part of him has escaped the mortal form and gone on to something better, leaving us to figure out how to deal with the fallout of it all.

Igor says something I didn’t catch, the blood pumping too much in my ears, like waves of guilt.

I was a good girl.

I am a good girl, or so I keep telling myself.

Maybe I should have followed the example of Karen, who was strong enough to know when enough was enough. Maybe I should have been like Terry, growing bored of this game, moving onto other things, more productive things. But I lack the strength or the inattentiveness necessary to have avoided this situation.

I look over at Damian and can see


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