Inventory (Rough Draft)

Gerry woke to the sun pushing on the white curtains covering the one of two windows in his bedroom. He laid on his side as he was wont, two pillows cradling his cropped haircut. Another pillow he hugged in his arms, and another he placed between his knees so that his knees didn’t knock as he slept. The large flat screen television he purchased at a Black Friday sale a few years back when his older, fatter, more compact television started to act like it wanted to be retired and started showing odd lines across the screen like wrinkles and when the images became distorted like looking through cataracts. He wore only a pair of underwear, one of fourteen he had in his possession, although he had three pairs of pajamas in his drawers which he could utilize if he needed to. They were rather large on him due to their being purchased prior to a period of time when Gerry was liquidate his weight. However, recently, he had began packing on the pounds again, reverting to old bad habits, i...