
Showing posts from September, 2015

Review of Red Skull #2 and Siege #2

I am not sure what to make of Marvel's Secret Wars Crossover event.  It feels a little contrived, a little too scripted.  It's as if Marvel took all the past crossover events that were successful and repurposed them. Humorously, the architect of this new universe is Doctor Doom, who in the first Secret wars series had for a time being control of the Battleworld to which the Beyonder had brought the many the many villains and heroes.  This time around however, Marvel has made the battlefield a lot more detailed, hence, the incorporation of other crossovers. Battleworld itself is divided into separate realms, each reflective of the crossover event or concept Marvel wants to push.  So, for example, there is a Korvac Saga area, an Two Marvel books somewhat related to each other explore the stories that happen on the edges, the Red Skull and  Siege.  Admittedly, both titles piqued my interest.  The Red Skull is an iconic villain, so absolute in...

Where Avengers 2: Age of Ultron fails

.My wife and I shelled out the few dollars to see Avengers 2: Age of Ultron this last Sunday.  I know I am late to the game, that the movie had been already released, several months closer to home video, and in all likelihood, I would have bought it once released had my wife and I not been passing by a dollar theatre showing the film,  It was a quiet Sunday and an empty theatre.  No fan boys were present, only the few families living on a budget. Disney and Marvel have done something quite amazing, though predictable, when you look at such franchise greats like Star Wars, the James Bond films, and more recently the Harry Potter movies.  They have built an interconnected universe much like a perpetual motion machine, a kind of domino set-up only requiring a tip to set the whole thing in motion.  They have a wealth of material in which they can use to develop Single character movies a la Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, which can feed into a larger, more comprehe...