
Showing posts from February, 2013

La Luna

I. She is like the moon pacing the nights in phases, starting empty, invisible, incomplete, or nealy so, more like a shadow, the left over smudge from something written     rubbed out by a cheap pencil eraser, or the darkness created when something large, like a boulder, stands in front of a light source; and then, slowly, being filled each night, a bowl, pale white, ghost-like, cracked through misuse, and set aside, outside to collect rainwater and the morning dew, until it is filled                                                          with                                       deep, wet sorrow,         sorrow,     cold  and bottomless,     sorrow that  clings to her skin                                      like little pricks                    when she delves her hand in past     the cold mirrored surface causing rippling, distorting everything reflected, or simmering irritation                                            that